(940) 550-4618
1111 Indiana Suite 5
Graham, TX 76450
Texoma Brazilian Jiu Jitsu​
Q: "What kind of physical shape does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu require?"
You can start BJJ no matter what kind of shape you're currently in. Because it's a great workout, you'll get in awesome shape in no time.
Q: "Am I too old to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?"
This question comes up frequently. A simple assessment is that if you're young and healthy enough for yoga, you'll have no trouble with BJJ. We've had students of all ages train, from 5 to up to over 60, where the older students often gain the most benefit.
Q: "Can I still take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes if I have a medical condition / past serious injury?"
Most people with medical conditions and past injuries have no issues when training BJJ. However, we recommend speaking to your doctor first. He / she will know what's best. We're also glad to work around your condition / injury in accordance with your doctor's advice. Just let us know what your doctor says!
Q: "Do people get injured a lot in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?"
Not at all! You'll be training in an extremely supportive, safe environment. No one wants to hurt anyone - and no one wants to get hurt. While injuries happen from time to time (just like with any sport), they're the exception - not the rule.
Q: "What's the class-environment like? Fun? Serious? Etc.?"
Our classes are a mixture of supportive, fun, serious, focused and goofy. There are moments of intense concentration, moments of fun & games, moments of encouraging one another to keep going and do your best, and so much more. It's a vibrant blend of fun, focus and passion.